HOW TO USE THE PRE-TEST The PRE-TEST is a diagnostic/prescriptive tool for determining your strengths and weaknesses in the Mathematical and Verbal topic areas normally covered on an SAT. It is a two-hour test consistingof the same mix of Math and Verbal questions as an actual SAT. After you complete the test your computer will provide scores in each of sixteen subjects which contribute to your Math and Verbal scores. This profile of your performance indicates which additional modules in the Hayden System will be useful in your preparation. :RA USING PRE-TEST SCORES If you answered at least 80% of the questions in a subject area correctly, you may elect to skip the review for that subject, and spend the time saved in an area which needs more work. For areas in which you answered between half and 80% of the questions correctly, at a minimum you will want to practice the Examples Without Tutormode section of the appropriate module. Working through Examples With Tutormode will further improve your understanding in that area. :RA For areas in which you answered less than half of the questions correctly you will benefit from working on Examples With Tutormode and then practicing Examples Without Tutormode. Your teacher may recommend additional practice material. If time permits, review all the subject material in the HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM a second time. Use the PRE-TEST results to guide you through the HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM. Concentrate on your weaker areas for maximum results. :ET :ET